Who's Lookin'

Saturday, May 26, 2012


So to all of those seniors out there who graduated this weekend (or any weekend), congratulations! You are now freshmen. The bottom rung (again). The noobs, fish, and lost college attendees. Some advice for the road ahead...
1. No matter what your parents say, college is not for everyone. I'm not saying you shouldn't try it out, I it's tons of fun and there really is something you would be good at, it may just take a while.
2. It is okay to switch your major. If you don't know what you would be perfect for career-wise you can try a few things out. Tell your advisor in advance you need to explore your options.
3. The dorms can be your favorite place or your worst nightmare. Don't live with your best friend, or really any friend you grew up with. What I mean to say is branch out! Meet new people, and save your friendship. Some BFFs can make it living together but should you risk it? Many adults talk about the life-long friendships they have developed with their roommate from college. Honestly it didn't work that way for me. My best friend did introduce me to most of my life-long friends and that isn't a bad thing. But I did make a lot of really good friends in the dorms.
4. Talk to the upper class-men and alumnus. They will know the ins and outs of the university and will be very happy to help you. Asks about professors, dorms, food places, deals, fun joints and awesome activities. It takes a while to figure it out on your own.
5. Show some school spirit! You don't have to watch every game, or even every sport. Just choose a few to attend and do it right! Take friends, show up in groups and yell loud! It is worth every second.
6. Finally! This is the last one. Dedicate yourself. Do your work, go to class, STUDY!! It is hard. It is tedious. It is long. But mostly it is WORTH IT!! The  better you do the sooner you're done.
College is supposed to be the happiest time of your life. Outcasts fit in, and the popular kid has to start all over. It's the ultimate reincarnation (without the death).
Best of luck and may God guide you to the results that fit you best.

For my Re (who may never see this)

You graduated. I'm happy for you, I really am. These tears are tears of joy and pride. You are the stronger sibling. You are the lucky one. I hope your success is immense and your ecstasy abundant. I love you.
I've always been jealous of your confidence, your beauty and your talent. You have such amazing drive and determination. You have a beautiful personality and the sweetest heart. I know we've wandered from the Church life a little bit but I feel that our religion is firm, strong and comfortable. I know you've learned many many amazing things in sunday school and church. Now I want you to grow that knowledge and blow them all away at school!!!!
Re, you are one of my best friends. I trust you, love you and support you fully. (So when I'm poor help me out ;] ). I envy the ease with which you found your calling and I can't wait to see you pull it off.
Congratulations and good luck baby sister!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mr. Wesley...

How did I forget to mention that Mr. Wesley has disappeared?!! His house is up for sale and I haven't seen him in months. I am ashamed of my thoughtlessness. I hope he is doing well, whether it be here or in heaven...

Guilty Posting

Wow! It has been a long time...This is why I don't dare start a craft blog. That and I never finish any of the crafts I start. Maybe that'll be my new project: Finish a previous project!

It rained quite a bit here in San Angelo. I would tell you how much buy my rain gauge is broken (which I discovered after the rainfall). Good news is my beautiful Kujoe is not muddy and tromping all over my backyard. He is visiting my parents. Whew. He is actually there to get his rabies shot, but he's really just chewing up all of my dad's stuff...teehee...

I know my post is borderline rambling and completely random but, my baby sister is GRADUATING!!!! Ach, faint, cry and laugh excitedly. I just can't believe it...I really will cry if I think about it too much. I'm not quite sure what my parents will do with their empty nest...I'll just have to visit frequently. Probably need to drag my reluctant boyfriend along too. That's unfair, he isn't reluctant to see them, just reluctant to be stuck in a car with me for an hour and a half. I would be scared too.

Two weeks from now I get to see a large portion of my mother's side of the family...(for Re's graduation)...and I'm excited. AUNTIE KIM is coming!!! Sorry, needed to get that out.

Oh and Kayli is moving out. Really big crying fest will occur when she leaves. Not quite sure how we'll cope without her but it'll be an adventure.