Who's Lookin'

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So I'm giving this a shot. I feel like I can make a mark if I just know what to say and when to say it. My main reason for blogging, at the moment, is so that I can become a better writer. I also want to find others who think like me and who write like me. That being said the search starts now!

To me blogging has always been about spewing thoughts out into cyberspace and not getting much in return. I have since learned (from my sister) that blogging can be helpful, gratifying and relieving. She blogs about anything she deems important or relative. I read one of her posts the other day and was suprised at how deep and thoughtful it was. I mean, she can be moving, but to me she has always been the vague, mysterious sibling.

My hope is that someone will be suprised by my blog. Maybe they'll realize I'm not as shallow or ditzy as they always thought. But my biggest desire is that this experience will help me be better in not judging those around me. If I can be suprised by my sister, then I should expect to be suprised by mere acquaintances and I should never take anyone at face value.

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