Who's Lookin'

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Girl With No Tongue

So I’ve always thought about writing a book. I’ve had ideas that I started with and then lost interest in or forgot about. I’ve even had the odd person or two look at my work and say, “Nah, I think it’s kind of boring…” or even “Nobody reads stuff like that.” It’s all bogus, I know, but it still sucks to be told that you lack originality or a vocabulary. So I had a dream the other night about being silenced by criticism, which basically entailed me walking around with no tongue. Not being able to speak, which I am sure many of my friends would find appealing, and having to improvise my communication techniques. It was slightly terrifying.

While I was working on my Chem homework I decided that this was kind of an interesting idea. I might just take all of my ideas and compile them into a short story novella titled, The Girl With No Tongue, and put her trials through everyday life as the filler…I don’t know, it’s just a thought. I also considered doing a blog book sort of thing but I don’t really want to share my stories without some kind of guarantee that my work won’t be ‘borrowed’ *cough*. Although I may post bits and pieces and hope for some feedback…

It was always a dream of mine to not have to work for a living, to just be able to write and enjoy my day and job with a passion. We’ll see I guess.

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