Who's Lookin'

Monday, September 26, 2011


I just woke up from the worst nightmare ever! Apparently I need a dream dictionary...

In my dream I had two brothers, an uncle and my boyfriend. Problem is, my beau was the only familiar face!! My blonde brother tried to kill me. That's how it started. He grabbed a gun (I don't know how or why he had one) and started shooting at me so I threw a book, a big one, at his head. As this was happening I was opening the drawer in the end table, because that's where everyone keeps guns right? Oh, did I mention it wasn't my house, I mean it was in the dream but I didn't know where anything was! So, back to the gun...

He tried to shoot me! Book flies and I grab a gun outta the end table, and shoot back. Which was bad enough, but then my "uncle" decides that the blonde dude is the sane one and drags him into another room and shuts the door. That's when my significant discovers my brunette brother was hit and is dead: he didn't last long.

So for a minute it's all pretty calm.

Until my blondie brother is carried out like a sacrifice by my bawling uncle. Apparently I hit him and he died. Oh darn, right? Wrong! He sits up and grabs the gun...and shoots my uncle, the only one who liked/helped him, point blank. So I'm freaking out cause he was dead (no he's not a zombie, I'm not that twisted) and now he's alive again. I try the whole run/call 911 thing. The phone is busy!! Not even possible. Immediately I panic. Heart rate picks up (in real life too) and I start screaming (only whimpers in real life). So blondie shoots at me again, and I realize that it's either him or me. I steady myself and shoot him. In the forehead. Right between the eyes. Ew.

Being a smart person I decide to tie the guy up. This is where my random placement of my boyfriend comes in handy, he helps out. Still calling 911, tying up a DEAD guy, and crying: that's me. I finally get through and tell the dispatch what has happened. He says they've been backed up by a bunch of drug shootings...only in my dream right? And that a cop will be there shortly.

So it's calm again. I watch the cop get off the bus, yes the bus, and head into my building/house.

When I go to tell my man the great news, the body is gone. Seriously?!! Then the door behind me slams and I realize blondie is gonna kill the cop. I freak out, run after him with no weapon and try to push him out the window. It almost works but my significant doesn't want me to be a murderer so he saves him...idiot. Luckily I woke up.

I could use a shrink and some interpretation...

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