Who's Lookin'

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Homecoming Lessons

So tonight was my hometown's homecoming football game. My little sister was nominated for Queen along with two of her good friends. I got to thinking about how our town's heirarchy works inside the school. For the past couple of years the nominees have all been related to many of the voters. This year was different. My family has no relatives in our town. Nominee number 2 also has no relatives among the voters; neither did Nominee number 3...Thus making the vote just and accurately based upon the number of friends among the football guys (who make up the voting population). My sister did not win. Nominee number 3 did. And she was very gracious and kind. There couldn't have been a bad outcome for this year's Queen. All three young ladies were very deserving and acted with the utmost dignity.

My grandmother made it out to the field for the game. She doesn't normally like to sit in the heat, especially for more than an hour, but since our football games are six-man, they tend to end early. I enjoyed her company greatly and was honored to inherit her father's ring. I was named after my great grandaddy, Souvil Britton, and found it amazing that he made the ring himself while working for a steel company in California.

I think that this night has shown me that my family is wonderful, close, and extremely supportive. I'm not saying my family is better than anybody elses...but if the tiara fits.

Oh and we won the game 58-8...

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