Who's Lookin'

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Spot Remover from Pinterest

Living with two dogs that go in and out of our house makes for a lot of cleaning in my home. There is also the problem of puppy piddles...or accidents. So when I saw this "awesome" stain remover on Pinterest, I had to try it out.

I decided to try it out on my tan carpet in my bedroom.


Not pretty. It was from a puppy piddle and the name brand spot remover hadn't worked...


The after pic shows beautiful, clean carpet!!! YAY!!!

One addendum to their instructions. They gave the recipe for working on clothing. If you use it on carpet I recommend putting it in a spray bottle and following the 2:1 instructions (2 parts hydrogen peroxide:1 part original dawn soap) and then doubling it with water. This makes the solution spray more easily as well as keeping your carpet from getting too sudsy. After I daubed the stain with the solution on it I sprayed it with straight water and soaked up the residue. Voila!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Living With Friends

I am currently living with my best friend. We have been around each other since kindergarten and know all of each others quirks and peeves. But...

I hate that she leaves dishes in the sink, junk on the living room table (and floor), doesn't clean anything...ever...and mostly; that she doesn't realize our house sometimes smells due to her funky house lifestyle.


I love that she knows, understands and loves me for me. I love that she puts up with my moods and epiphanies and that our dogs get along.

So I guess it's all working out. Maybe I just needed to vent.

Monday, September 26, 2011


I just woke up from the worst nightmare ever! Apparently I need a dream dictionary...

In my dream I had two brothers, an uncle and my boyfriend. Problem is, my beau was the only familiar face!! My blonde brother tried to kill me. That's how it started. He grabbed a gun (I don't know how or why he had one) and started shooting at me so I threw a book, a big one, at his head. As this was happening I was opening the drawer in the end table, because that's where everyone keeps guns right? Oh, did I mention it wasn't my house, I mean it was in the dream but I didn't know where anything was! So, back to the gun...

He tried to shoot me! Book flies and I grab a gun outta the end table, and shoot back. Which was bad enough, but then my "uncle" decides that the blonde dude is the sane one and drags him into another room and shuts the door. That's when my significant discovers my brunette brother was hit and is dead: he didn't last long.

So for a minute it's all pretty calm.

Until my blondie brother is carried out like a sacrifice by my bawling uncle. Apparently I hit him and he died. Oh darn, right? Wrong! He sits up and grabs the gun...and shoots my uncle, the only one who liked/helped him, point blank. So I'm freaking out cause he was dead (no he's not a zombie, I'm not that twisted) and now he's alive again. I try the whole run/call 911 thing. The phone is busy!! Not even possible. Immediately I panic. Heart rate picks up (in real life too) and I start screaming (only whimpers in real life). So blondie shoots at me again, and I realize that it's either him or me. I steady myself and shoot him. In the forehead. Right between the eyes. Ew.

Being a smart person I decide to tie the guy up. This is where my random placement of my boyfriend comes in handy, he helps out. Still calling 911, tying up a DEAD guy, and crying: that's me. I finally get through and tell the dispatch what has happened. He says they've been backed up by a bunch of drug shootings...only in my dream right? And that a cop will be there shortly.

So it's calm again. I watch the cop get off the bus, yes the bus, and head into my building/house.

When I go to tell my man the great news, the body is gone. Seriously?!! Then the door behind me slams and I realize blondie is gonna kill the cop. I freak out, run after him with no weapon and try to push him out the window. It almost works but my significant doesn't want me to be a murderer so he saves him...idiot. Luckily I woke up.

I could use a shrink and some interpretation...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Girl With No Tongue

So I’ve always thought about writing a book. I’ve had ideas that I started with and then lost interest in or forgot about. I’ve even had the odd person or two look at my work and say, “Nah, I think it’s kind of boring…” or even “Nobody reads stuff like that.” It’s all bogus, I know, but it still sucks to be told that you lack originality or a vocabulary. So I had a dream the other night about being silenced by criticism, which basically entailed me walking around with no tongue. Not being able to speak, which I am sure many of my friends would find appealing, and having to improvise my communication techniques. It was slightly terrifying.

While I was working on my Chem homework I decided that this was kind of an interesting idea. I might just take all of my ideas and compile them into a short story novella titled, The Girl With No Tongue, and put her trials through everyday life as the filler…I don’t know, it’s just a thought. I also considered doing a blog book sort of thing but I don’t really want to share my stories without some kind of guarantee that my work won’t be ‘borrowed’ *cough*. Although I may post bits and pieces and hope for some feedback…

It was always a dream of mine to not have to work for a living, to just be able to write and enjoy my day and job with a passion. We’ll see I guess.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Homecoming Lessons

So tonight was my hometown's homecoming football game. My little sister was nominated for Queen along with two of her good friends. I got to thinking about how our town's heirarchy works inside the school. For the past couple of years the nominees have all been related to many of the voters. This year was different. My family has no relatives in our town. Nominee number 2 also has no relatives among the voters; neither did Nominee number 3...Thus making the vote just and accurately based upon the number of friends among the football guys (who make up the voting population). My sister did not win. Nominee number 3 did. And she was very gracious and kind. There couldn't have been a bad outcome for this year's Queen. All three young ladies were very deserving and acted with the utmost dignity.

My grandmother made it out to the field for the game. She doesn't normally like to sit in the heat, especially for more than an hour, but since our football games are six-man, they tend to end early. I enjoyed her company greatly and was honored to inherit her father's ring. I was named after my great grandaddy, Souvil Britton, and found it amazing that he made the ring himself while working for a steel company in California.

I think that this night has shown me that my family is wonderful, close, and extremely supportive. I'm not saying my family is better than anybody elses...but if the tiara fits.

Oh and we won the game 58-8...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kujoe's Behavior

I got Kujoe about two and a half weeks ago. He was in puppy depression, after being separated from mother and litter mates, and wouldn't react to anything or even come close to humans. He cowered in fear anytime someone moved. Now he runs away whenever I approach him. It's upsetting because I've never had problems with any dog, mine or a stranger's.

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I know that it takes two to tango, so what is it I need to do to make Kujoe a willing participant in my life? I can't afford to take him to a bunch of different behavior classes or have him checked out by a vet for emotional problems. If that's what he needs and there is evidence then I will do what I have to do. It makes me worry to see him so scared. What was done to him? Did the mother's owners neglect the puppies after weaning? Argh this is frustrating.

Oh well...more to come on that front.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mr. Wesley

So today I went to get my mail and I spotted my neighbor across the street in his doorway. He waved, so I waved back. Then I grabbed my mail and walked indoors. A few minutes passed and then I felt guilty. I wondered why, I had waved back! It's was because of my retreat. I have never had a problem with the elderly, I actually enjoy visiting with those who have seen and done everything I'm going to go through. Their wisdom is priceless. The problem is (from my perspective) Mr. Wesley is 92 years old. He is from Ohio and he has a daughter in New York, who is my parents age.

I don't know how to relate to him. The only topics I feel are common ground are the weather (HOT) and our days (mine=monotanous, his=boring). There isn't much there. He loves talking about his experiences and I love listening, but I only have sparse furniture so it's hard to accomidate, and I have nothing to offer in the way of snacks or drinks.

I guess my newest goal to add to my list is to make time to make conversation with him. I mean how hard can it be to find something he'd enjoy talking about?

Puppy Playdate

So my friends and I had a puppy play date last night...needless to say, I was up late. I do have to say though, that was a fun experience. Janet has a rescue puppy (black lab) named Champ, and he is tiny. Kujoe, my killer-security-attack dog, is about the same age and is easily three times larger. While Champ and Kujoe seemed to have a splendid time, Rico (Samantha's full grown Yorkie) seemed a little peeved by the biting and noise. He showed jealousy and just plain grouchiness. I hate to get mad at a dog, but, if he ruins my dogs fun I'm gonna ruin his...

I think the best part of the night was watching the puppies chase each other. When they hit the tile in either the hall or the kitchen, they would slide out of control until they consequently crashed. Catching this all on video or even film would have been great; unfortunately I forgot about my mother's camera in my closet and didn't even think to pull out the video camera.

Having puppies and friends in my life helps remind me that I am young and I can have fun without it ruining my plans for the future. Just because I have classes to attend and a job to work and hospital test being run does not mean I have to act like a crotchety old woman! So there. That's my challenge for myself: fulfill my obligations and have fun doing it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So I'm giving this a shot. I feel like I can make a mark if I just know what to say and when to say it. My main reason for blogging, at the moment, is so that I can become a better writer. I also want to find others who think like me and who write like me. That being said the search starts now!

To me blogging has always been about spewing thoughts out into cyberspace and not getting much in return. I have since learned (from my sister) that blogging can be helpful, gratifying and relieving. She blogs about anything she deems important or relative. I read one of her posts the other day and was suprised at how deep and thoughtful it was. I mean, she can be moving, but to me she has always been the vague, mysterious sibling.

My hope is that someone will be suprised by my blog. Maybe they'll realize I'm not as shallow or ditzy as they always thought. But my biggest desire is that this experience will help me be better in not judging those around me. If I can be suprised by my sister, then I should expect to be suprised by mere acquaintances and I should never take anyone at face value.